About Me

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23 years old, 6 foot tall, 170lbs, you know.. the whole shabang. I enjoy flash animating random things that usually get a laugh or two, I like making videos of random things and making pod casts.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

So I suppose I owe EA Games an apology for my last post about NFS:Hot Persuit, and an apology I will gladly give. Yesterday I stated that this game wasn't as good as it should be and I still stick with what I said but as the gameplay actually goes I've come to love this game. Even without the functionality of customization this game seems to be everything that the NFS series has been about: Driving really fast, racing, knocking your enemies off the road, and getting really PISSED OFF because THAT FUCKING CAR KEEPS POPPING OUT OF NO WHERE MAKING ME CRASH INTO IT!!! GRAWRRRRR!!!!!

But I suppose that makes the game more interesting.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Alright so COD went over well and the DL finished. I popped it open and had a bit of a hard time installing it but finally figured it out. After playing Need for Speed: Hot Persuit for an hour and a half I've weighed heavily down on the pro's and con's of the game. I like the game for its better graphics, it's fluent gameplay and for the new arsenal of weapons. Unfortunately what I don't like about this game is the lack of customization. You don't get to change parts, no custom paint jobs, just using stock vehicles. Also when in a race and being chased by the popo, once you finish the race the game just stops and brings you to the next objective. I liked Underground 2 for the fact that once the race was over freeroam took place instantly and it was left to you to get rid of the cops.

So with the Pro's and Con's of this game, the Con's seemingly taking the lead, I'd like to give this game a 9/10 but unfortunately I can't. I give this game a 7.5/10 for its graphics and gameplay, but missing points on gamestyle leveling. I'll still end up playing this game for a while though.

For those looking to buy this game for it's story line: Don't, there doesn't seem to be much story in the career mode. This game is more for multiplayer experience which isn't a bad thing, but the game definately does lack in the creative story line.
Oh and guys, don't forget to check out my facebook account or my twitter account linked above! Give me a follow or friend request! <3
Well I'm definately excited to try out the new Need for speed: Hot persuit game that I'm *looks around suspiciously* downloading now... shhh I know XD. No no, buying the real game is a good way to play it, downloading it is a good way to test it :)

I've been a real big NFS fan over the last decade now, and for what reason I'm still not sure. Maybe its the fact that I like the idea of driving with no limits, maybe its because my dad liked playing it with us as kids, maybe its because dodging police in a virtual world seems much more reasonabe than doing so in real life. Who knows right? And for those saying that you know, well then thanks, maybe you should become my psychologist. God knows I need one hahaha.

So for the last two days I've been off work, and this is the first time in about 3 months that I have two days off from work in a row. Now this sounds awesome right? and I agree! But unfortunately things aren't as good as they should be. The only time I get two days off work together, I manage to get sick. Ohwell, perfect timing I suppose right? Guess this means I get to go into work without too much of a fuss.

Hoping that this april I might get my new job, and I'd be happy about that. Not sure whether I should get a new job until then or do I just stay with this one and make my job experience look a little better than it has over the last couple years. *gulp*

Anyways I'm off to play BlackOps2 again, and I don't care what you say. It's a wicked game and I'd still probably rape your ass at it, figuratively ofcourse ;)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Holy Butt Blasting Hookers Batman! My girlfriend just recently started up her own blog! I guess I'm in competion now, which I suppose is refreshing because no one so far has been even close to this kind of perfection! Wanna see her page? I guess I could post it on my site, but I'm not going to. Nah I'm kidding! She'd kill me if I didn't ;)


Monday, November 22, 2010

Alrighty then! So it seems twitter isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, hell it's addictive as shit! I don't know how these social things get so much attraction but damn does it work.

Not much has been happening lately: I still have my shitty job, not really doing anything new than sitting at home playing on the `puter. Black Ops is pretty chill, if I were to give it a score from 1 - 10 I'd stick with a 6. The gameplay is much different from COD: Mw2 but it's not a bad thing, actually I think this game reminds me alot of COD4 which was awesome.

Pokerstars has been nice to me over the last couple days. I dunno if its because I'm more ballsy now with my hands or if it's all to do with luck but it's working for me. Got knocked out of a tourney late last week, had a fullhouse and they flopped the quads. Made me sad for about a moment then I got over the $1.20 loss.

I'll keep up some more posts likely to happen this week. Until next time!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Goodbye Champions

The champions are leaving to return home and times could never be better. Now the comment I just made could seem apathetic or even cruel but its intentions are not so. I will miss them dearly for the time they are gone but maybe it's a good thing. I've needed to get my life in check and I'm sure that many of them have too, maybe in time both the Champions and myself will meet again when our lives aren't so messed up.

To Kerry, I will miss you dearly and even though our time together was shorter than it should have been, you are a very good friend and a treasure not to be mishandled.

Ryan, You're a little goof with good intentions and remind me much of myself. You are my brother from another mother, don't forget it.

Chloe, Our time together was a little rough but we remained friends through the good and the bad. We shall see you soon.

Margaret, you are my second mother and a very well mannered host. With that being said you definately have a fire inside of you that comes in to play at the exact right time that it is needed.

Geoff, You're a prick when it comes to poker and a cynasist to all but we know you mean it with love regardless whether you wish to admit it or not. Keep going the way you are and hell, you'll probably have to lend me $200,000 from your 4mil winnings in one hand of cash poker. Cheers lad.

And to Darren, I don't have anything to say really. You will be the one I miss most, my partner in crime. The times we've had together, bad and horrible, have been amazing to experience and I wouldn't have had it any other way. I'll be missing you bud, come back to us in one piece.

Finally to the Champions as a familly: You're Brittish charm persuaded us to love you but only for so long. The emotions that we Canadians will keep in our hearts for you will forever be embraced, and until we meet again.

Ps: The accent is only cool here
Pss: Enjoy the rain
Ppss: Come back soon...........So I can make some more money off you in poker ;)

Sincerely, Jay.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Today, what does the word mean? Why reference by days, months or even years? Time is something that stands against us, it's not on our side, regardless of what time brings you it will eventually end. It did today for one of my best friends, albeit not human but my dear Vixen. She lived to be about 3, she was always full of energy and always explored regardless the situation. She was white with a long brownish tail, her whiskers were cute and made her eyes ever more evangical. And now she's gone, none of her previous traits matter anymore because she's gone. I don't know how I dealt with it, I'm still not sure if I've delt with it. I don't really think I've ever dealt with anything in my life, I usually just find some place deep inside that isn't full yet and store it there. Even when I feel like I'm at the brink of my own existance I still manage to dig and dig, makes me feel like I'm my own graveyard. How many people have died is all of our years on Earth, how many have lived to tell its tale; Makes me sick to think that life is one sided. I used to quote myself alot saying "No one dies without having a threesome, life and death are two nasty bitches that just want to fuck you." I'm not sure I could quote that anymore, admitting to my own fears and weaknesses just makes me more depressed. I was hoping to avoid this sounding emo but when it comes down to it, are emotions really something we should hide? I've hidden every emotion I've ever had and felt; And why, so I could seem strong to the ones I love? The only thing I see myself as is empty, a shell that remains from its once gleeming owner, a man with passion and fire in his eyes. That died a long time ago, I'm not sure what happened but what ever it was, it did happen.

Maybe it was my Grandfather's death, maybe it was my Grandmother's death, or maybe there is nothing that triggered my anger and fears and these are all thoughts of my own doing. It's been along time since my Granthfather was around, he died of cancer in 1999, two days before Christmas. Needless to say I now don't beleive in these fairytale holidays, I won't even celebrate my own birth. What is the point I ask, why celebrate something that will only bring death. Life is a little too over-rated for my tastes, I mean why celebrate a life when we all know it's just bound to expire eventually. Do we celebrate when we open a carton of milk and it's fresh? Do we celebrate a cow's ability to expunge white liquids into buckets for our own digestion? No, none of these are things we praise daily so why is life so greatly admired?

I mean sure, life is full of wonderful things like friends, love, and memories; what importance does any of this have though. Friends are only friends until you do something they don't like or until you go your separate ways. Love is something we all search for but never manage to find, realisticly there is no such thing as love just an over-expressed emotion of joy. And memories, the one thing that captivates me, the lies from our past to our future. Memories are nothing but stories, and stories are such twistable and creatable compounds of words; Nothing More, Nothing Less. Life really doesn't mean a whole lot in the greater aspect of things. Do you think the sun, the moon, or any possible life in other galaxies care whether we live or not? Maybe Charles Manson had it right, maybe some need to be picked from the herd for quality control.

Please note: this is not the cries of a depressed fool, it is merely a way to vent my stress and anger in a unique way. I am quite content living my life and no, I'm not the next Charles Manson...yet ;)