Alright so I was supposed to post a couple hours ago but I had company over. We tested out Rock Band AC/DC for my ps2 and played a couple rounds of darts. Now back to the news.
Yesterday Pope Benedict XVI (That's 16 for the roman numeral illiterate)has announced today that, not only is he the oldest pope to be elected, he's also apart of the Keebler elf family line. He uses his giant over sized hat to cover his ears and keep his assortment of cookies warm. Also a fun fact, if you punch Pope Benedict XVI into there is a link to his positions on moral and political issues. Does he really get an opinion on moral issues, I mean really? Not only was he in the Nazi regime, many of his followers in the church have molested young boys. I mean come on... big hat, hidden stash of cookies, Darren's hair is always parted in the center... what more do you need?
Also in sports, today is the day the Ottawa Senators go head to head with the Toronto Fake Beliefs. This should be an interesting match up, not for the game itself which is usually one sided, but for the animosity the fans cause. There's nothing more interesting than a couple of Sens fans and Make beliefs fans attempt to show their macho and the testosterone levels just build and build. Here's a great idea, lets pump a giant stadium full of both fans, have testosterone levels be boosted with beer and hockey, and not except any fatalities along the way. Yeah... OoooK
More will be posted:
Video games are being reviewed, movies are being reviewed, and Darts are being played.
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