About Me

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23 years old, 6 foot tall, 170lbs, you know.. the whole shabang. I enjoy flash animating random things that usually get a laugh or two, I like making videos of random things and making pod casts.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Dec12,2009 Interesting Canadian News.

It is December 12 2009, and in today's news we find out what Canadian like to do best in their spare time. Personally I like finding out how much Canadians love the snow, and apparently regardless of what our answer is we still get it anyways.We know that Canada is starting to fail as an economy when our biggest concerns become tractor trailers stuck in the snow and the poor old Johnson family and their cottage, what ever will they do? Personally, I don't give a shit. Msn News Link

Alright, so Tiger Woods has answered the oldest question in History today. No it's not what the meaning of life is, it's not about which religion is best, but if I cheat on my wife and then ask the media for privacy will I get it? Gillette is now "phasing" tiger out of their promotional ads to respect his wishes to keep a low profile in the media world. The guy cheated on his wife with (whats the count now?) 7 different women, he's the most publicly viewed golf player in the world, and he wants privacy. Good luck with that numb nuts (mine would be too after playing 8 holes at once but I guess Tigers still missing 1 at least.) Since when did the media and sponsors of Athletes start caring about what the hell people think anyways? Hey, if its a good story I say get it because if you don't someone else will.
Msn News Link

In other news today, Madonna and Cher get married together and start making music that will cause severe brain damage to kids all across the world. Their new duet band called "Bloody Lobes" starts premier next week preforming for a crowd of deaf war veterans. Even they know if they could hear they'd rather be back at war than sit for a 5 hour concert of ear shredding noises.
Google News Link

And now to talk about my local friends and their new happenings. Hopefully you've seen on the main page of my blog that I will be starting pod casting after the new years, well hopefully a couple of them that I will be discussing might show up on a podcast or two.

My girlfriend Kayla and I are looking for some employment at the moment because we just moved back into the city. Christmas is a tight one and I haven't seen most of my friends because of financial issues but things are getting sorted one day at a time. My brother Jeff is still making money to sit at home and play his video games... I'd break his head in but he bought me my new computer so I suppose I have to play nice. My friends Cory and Mandi and their baby Alexis are at home doing nothing, contemplating ways for me to get out of the house and visit them. Ryan and Chris, two people who will be making quite a few appearances on my podcast, are in the midst of making a movie for Chris' school project. Thankfully they decided that they needed some talent, so now I'm apart of the shenanigan.

You'll hear more of me through out the week, more blogs will be posted and hopefully some videos too.

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