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23 years old, 6 foot tall, 170lbs, you know.. the whole shabang. I enjoy flash animating random things that usually get a laugh or two, I like making videos of random things and making pod casts.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

I've decided to post a little of what I have for my next novel. It will take me a while to make this one, been creating it in my head for the last couple years, and finally I have the will to write it down. Hope you enjoy.

Story#3 - Untitled

Hart could feel the rage within him begining to tear at his insides, a thunderstorm brewing in. Tears streamed down his face and he could feel his contempt of killing this bastard, begining to way heavily over everything he was, mind and soul. His teeth grinded, his eyes narrowed more focused then they had ever been, and felt something within him stirring up, a reaction to the feral instict of fear and anger.


Raw and potent energy. It was almost familiar, almost a second nature. He struggled his whole life, a stranger to his family and friends, all to find some connection with the beast stirring inside him, some way to connect to himself.

Hart wanted to explode, no pun intended. How many people did this guy need to kill in order to satisfy his need? Or maybe he didn't want to stop, maybe he'd continue his rampage and murdering and hurt more innocence on his way. What was he supposed to do? He didn't know what he could do, but it didn't stop the rage and anger that was inside him from trying anyways.

He snapped.

His left arm stretched foward with his hand open, the ground beneith him began tearing away. He brought a smile up to his lips, a grimacing hateful smile. He stared off into the distance, about 150 feet away from him in the sky was the asshole who killed his brother. Without any warning, without the slightest summoning of energy, Hart split a round golden metal wall between them. A round wall with creases split through it in 8 places all aligned around the giant. In the middle of the construct in the shape of a small fist there was a chunk of metal missing. With his hand spread out forward and open, as if connecting with the gate itself, the wall began to retract inwards, leaving only a hallowed ring in the sky about 400 feet in circumfrence.

Energy in its rawest form combined with human rage, not exactly a healthy combo. Vashra laughed, not exactly easy to do when incased in somebody's soul. He knew he was going to die and he was ok with it. He knew that Hart only wanted to protect his friends and family from disaster, wanted to revenge his familly's death by killing Nova. It was mutual, they both wanted what was coming.

Both emotion and energy suddently burst from Hart's hand at a rediculous level, destruction on a whole new level but casting feedback at its abuser. The energy soared up and collided with the gate and all hell broke loose. The gate was used to amplify energy, and with this kind of energy you're looking at pure destruction on a level that makes chernobyl look like a joke. The entire circumfrence of the gate beamed a blinding cobalt light. The earth, to put it lightly, shook. It erupted forth and instantly Hart regretted doing what he did but it was necessary. The energy caused the emotion of hate and fear to spread with it making it viral, anyone in the vacinity of earth was going to feel this one.

Hart thought he heard a scream ahead but it was a sound made so quick and innaudable, he wasn't sure it existed. All he knew was that there was nothing else between his energy he cast forth and the sky infront of him, and he also knew he couldn't stop. His hate and fury, the dark emotions causing a visible cast of energy, began glowing in hues of Cobalt. He let his muscles relax just for a moment, a moment long enough to show me that he was alright with this. In a suddent burst of light his body was no more, and the gate became etheral, the energy ceasing to cast forward. The gates presence lingered for a little longer, and then vanished. My brother sacrificed himself to save us.

Fucking asshole... I love you too.

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